Monday, December 6, 2010

Iron Man 2

This is not a bad sequel.  It certainly doesn't replicate the fun of the first one, but it's not an awful way to spend some time, especially if it's a slow night and there's not much else going on.  I liked it, but I also finished a crossword puzzle during the movie so obviously I wasn't glued to the television during it.  Robert Downey, Jr., is a kick again as Tony Stark, I think Gwyneth Paltrow was sick throughout filming, Scarlet Johansson looked great, and Don Cheadle didn't make me miss Terrence Howard, slipping seamlessly into the role of Stark friend Jim Rhodes.  Mickey Rourke was good, as were the effects.  I hoped for more, but the original would have been hard to match for sheer enjoyment.

1 comment:

  1. I thought the movie was great. It is hard to have a sequel to match the original since the oppertunity of telling a story with creative presentation no longer new.

    Only if Avatar could have been done in the same manner. I can not get that darn Pocahontas out of my head.

    This was a very good follow up.
